Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What is science?

What is science?

Science to me is light. It is a gift from God needed to illuminate the most deepest and impenetrable mystery. It shows us that even the weakest thing can be made strong. It is a place of hope in a sea of unknown. It is supposed to be a sanctuary of truth. Unfortunately, some people that make science misbehave. In reality people distort it on a daily basis. As a consequence, they are doomed to know only parts of the truth.
How did people used science so far? They have used to create, to destroy, to create and again to destroy. In the hand of people science is just a tool. It is up to them to find the right or the wrong method to follow. To my understanding, if a scientist is driven by love in his or her research the output is beneficial. On the contrary, if a scientist wants only fame and people appreciation, it may succeed in doing this, but the result would be destructive.
Science is one of the most precious thigh a person could ask for, if a wish from Got is granted. With it comes all: richness, fame, a long and happy life and value. But if one such wish will be granted by God, I will not chose science. The longer I have walked on the path of science the further I learned that "if you increase your knowledge you increase your misery" [1]. I tried to fill that gap with love but unsuccessful. When I loved more I was more hurt, as people overlooked my good intentions and use their hate to interpret them. I will not ask for science, instead I will ask for a good wife. Science is not a good thing to marry, but if one meets with people that have done this, pity them. In conclusion, science is nice but do not marry it, nevertheless make it your best friend in doing good things.

See the amassing insect I cached in my apartment.

[1]Bible, Ecclesiastes.

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